About the fund
We are the Mondriaan Fund. With more than 70 colleagues, 5 regional agents and an ever-changing pool of 90 advisors, we continuously ensure a strong and representative visual arts and cultural heritage sector.
Who we are & what we do
We are financier and driving force behind the visual arts and heritage sector in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. We are one of the 6 national cultural funds that invest in cultural makers, institutions and projects on behalf of our society.
The organisation
More than 70 people work at the Mondriaan Fund. We take care of the process surrounding your subsidy application, make results visible and organize activities.
Reports, plans, protocols
We monitor, reflect on and measure the effect of our grants and activities. Are our goals being achieved? The policy plan and our annual reports can be found here, as well as research publications and the protocols we work with.