Art Heritage Presentation

Are you planning an exceptional project, for example an exhibition, event or festival? The Art Heritage Presentation grant may be able to help. For this grant, the project could be part of an existing exhibition programme or other regular events or activities, but it must transcend the regular programming.

For whom

For visual arts institutions, museums, art platforms, festivals and heritage institutions, with or without collaborating partners, such as academic institutions.

For what

For special fine arts and heritage projects of national importance, or which have significant regional allure.

How much

The amount of the contribution is determined per application and is a maximum of 40% of the variable project costs.


Please check this list carefully before you start your application.

Who preceded you?

View granted applications for this grant.

Start your application

Do you meet the conditions and did you go through the checklist?

For whom

Fine arts institutions, museums and other cultural heritage organizations in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can use this grant to apply for exceptional presentations in the field of visual arts and/or cultural heritage.

The Mondriaan Fund offers Art Heritage Presentation grants to stimulates remarkable presentations at institutions in the field of visual art and/or cultural heritage, helping to strengthen the bond with the public and to ensure that the range of presentations as a whole is a good match for the population composition. This concerns grants for exhibitions, festivals and other types of presentation that are out of the ordinary and that are relevant for contemporary visual arts and/or cultural heritage in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

For what

These grants are for fine arts and heritage projects of national importance, or which have significant regional allure. One might think of presentations of art in exceptional combinations or contexts, or new work being created for the occasion, the development of new means of presentation, exceptional collaborative projects or cultural heritage events.

How much

The amount of the contribution is determined per application and is a maximum of 40% of the variable project costs. The minimum budget of the project must be higher than € 25,000 and must not contain any fixed costs. The average contribution per project in 2020 was around € 45,000. Contributions of € 75,000 or more are very exceptional. Please contact the Mondriaan Fund if you would like to request a contribution of such magnitude.


Applications can be submitted at any time of the year using the Mondriaan Fund online application system. You must first set up an account on the website before you can apply. Once your application is complete, please allow for a processing period of 3 months from the moment your application is submitted in full. Grants cannot be awarded retroactively. However, due to the many applications to the fund, the processing time can take longer than expected.

The following is based on deelregeling Kunst Erfgoed Presentatie (in Dutch).

Apply now


  • This grant is intended for cultural institutions open to the public, which organize presentations of contemporary visual art and/or cultural heritage in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
  • An Art Heritage Presentation grant may not be used to cover fixed costs, the building or founding of museums or for regular operations. Institutions for professional art education and post-academic institutions may not apply, nor can commercial institutions whose main focus is sales, or sector institutions without a museum function.
  • A grant may not be requested for journals, publications, documentaries, symposia or conferences, except for special publications, documentaries, symposia or conferences that are inextricably linked to the project.
  • Arts Heritage Presentation grants may not cover activities that are already or will be funded under another regulation of the Mondriaan Fund, under the Regulation on Specific Cultural Policy, or by any other provision financed from public funds.
  • The amount of the contribution is determined per application and is a maximum of 40% of the variable project costs. The minimum budget of the project must be higher than € 25,000 and must not contain any fixed costs.
  • If 1 or more artists are involved in the project, a realistic artist fee is obligatory and must be included in the budget. That honorarium will be paid by the applicant according to the guidelines for artists’ fees.*
  • All cultural institutions subscribe to the Fair Practice Code (Dutch only), the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code (Dutch only). Compliance with the Fair Practice Code automatically means that the institution implements the guidelines on artists’ honoraria.

*Please note: The Artist’s Fee Directive was reassessed in 2023 and can be consulted at The revised guideline will be applied from January 1, 2025.


Mondriaan Fund staff check the submitted applications and attachments to ensure that they are complete. Once an application is complete, it is submitted to the committee that advises on awarding Art Heritage Presentation grants.

If there are 2 or more parties submitting applications, this will in principle have a positive effect on the assessment. Whether this collaboration brings added value to the plan will also be taken into consideration.

An Art Heritage Presentation grant can only be awarded if the committee advises to that effect. If their recommendation is positive, the committee can also make a recommendation concerning the amount of the grant stipend and the period for which this will be valid.

Due to budgetary restrictions, we are unfortunately not always able to award grants to all applications that receive positive advisories from the committee. In this case, the Mondriaan Fund Board asks the advisory committee to prioritise the positive advisories. This means that an application may receive a positive advisory, but a grant is nevertheless not awarded.

What happens with my application?


To process your application, The Mondriaan Fund needs information. All of this information can be submitted in the application form itself, along with documentation that you upload. Here below is a checklist that follows the layout of the application form and contains all the information required.

Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.

Ticked all the boxes? Start your application!

My Fund

Questions & contact

If you have a question please reach out to a contact person of this grant.

Or call to 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay

Lara Riga

Tessa Ver Loren van Themaat

Rebecca Roskam