Do you represent a visual art institution whose core activity is presenting contemporary visual art? Do you have plans for a publicly accessible programme lasting 2 to 4 years? Are your plans innovative or experimental by nature, is it for a broad or specific audience? You may be eligible for the Art Platform Programmes grant.
Note: In case of divergence between the language versions, the Dutch version will prevail.
Permanently closed
Art Platform Start
For starting organisations with legal status in the field of contemporary visual arts.
For professional contemporary visual arts institutions of local to (inter)national importance that have carried out a regular annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years, supplemented with an extensive programme of activities, for a diverse audience of professionals and other interested parties.
For those art platforms hoping to qualify for this grant, presenting contemporary visual arts in a physical space must be a core activity.
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the National Culture Funds have decided that the application procedures for the national multi-year grants will run parallel to one another, thereby simplifying the application process. Institutions that wish to receive a multi-year contribution for the period 2025-2028 must submit their application at the beginning of 2024. This also applies to the Mondriaan Fund’s Art Platform Programmes grant. As a result, the annual application round will be cancelled.
With the Art Platform Programmes grant, the Mondriaan Fund wants to provide subsidies to art platforms whose programmes contribute to a high-quality and varied range of contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom and to building and reaching an audience for this.
By art platforms, the fund means professional contemporary art organisations aimed at the public presentation of innovative contemporary visual art, without primarily having a profit motive or a sales goal. The main purpose of these art platforms with legal status is the presentation of contemporary visual art in a physical space.
Within this grant, institutions that are predominantly focused on the management of a collection, such as museums and archives with a presentation function, cannot apply. Organisations such as workshops, art fairs, galleries, events, biennials/triennials, online platforms and festivals also cannot apply.
Art platforms with programmes lasting 2 to 4 years can apply for a contribution. The multi-year grant has 3 categories – Start, Basic and Broad – which, combined, should ensure a varied range of contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
For whom and for what / categories?
Start Category
For start-up organisations with legal standing (not individuals) who have not carried out a programme of presentations and activities for more than 5 years.
• This concerns a grant of € 50,000 a year, for 2 calendar years.
• At least 10% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
• A Start grant can be awarded a maximum of 3 times. Contributions from the previous Art Platform Programmes Grant (2021-2024) are not included.
• Applications for the Start category can be submitted in 2024 and in 2026.
Basic Category
For professional contemporary visual arts organisations that have conducted an annual programme of presentations and activities for at least 2 years.
• This concerns a grant of € 225.000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
• At least 20% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
• Applications for the Basic category are only possible in 2024.
Broad Category
For professional contemporary art organizations from local to (inter)national level that have carried out a regular annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years, supplemented with an extensive programme of activities for a diverse audience of professionals and interested parties.
• This concerns a grant of € 450.000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
• At least 30% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
• Applications for the Broad category are only possible in 2024.
Which Category?
The 3 categories have their own criteria, with budgets and requirements differing per category. Before you apply, carefully consider which category is most applicable to your art platform and plans. It is important that you explain clearly what the position of your organisation is: know what you do, why you do it and who you do it for. It is not possible to apply for multiple categories at the same time.
All decisions and advisory texts regarding this grant will be published online.
How and when to apply?
Applications for Art Platform Programme grants can be submitted through the Mondriaan Fund’s online application system. The deadline for submitting the application in 2024 is on Thursday, February 1, before 4:00 PM (CET) / 11:00 AM (AST). You need to have an account with the Mondriaan Fund in order to submit an application. If you do not yet have an account, you can apply for one through the website. The results of this application round will be announced at the start of July 2024. Funds cannot be approved retroactively.
For the Start category there are 2 application rounds for 2 years (1 round in 2024 and 1 round in 2026). Applications for the Basic and Broad Art Platform programmes can be submitted once every 4 years. The annual application round will therefore be cancelled.
Would you like to know about your current grant to Art Platform Programmes or do you have other questions? Check the frequently asked questions here.
Please note: there was incorrect information on the website of BKNL’s recalibrated Artist’s Fee Guideline, which has now been corrected. Read below for an update on submitting your application.
Because we assume that you will use the calculator on the website of the recalibrated Artist’s Fee Guideline when drawing up the budget for 2025-2026 or 2025-2028, you may have to adjust the budget. We will give you extra time for this after submitting your application. The following applies:
The deadline of Thursday, February 1 at 16:00 PM (CET) / 11:00 AM (AST) remains in full force. Submit your application on time and in full, including (if feasible, amended) budget and explanation thereof. Only complete applications will be considered. If you are unable to adjust the budget before the deadline based on the corrected artists’ fees, you will be given the opportunity to submit a new budget.
After submitting the application on February 1, 16:00 PM (CET) / 11:00 AM (AST), you will receive a ‘Art Venue Programmes Correction Form’ in your inbox in AIMS. Please use this form to submit your corrected budget and explanation (up to a maximum of 1 week after the deadline). To be clear, please note that this form only offers the option to upload the budget and the explanatory notes relating to the budget. The corrected budget is then added to the file. If you do not use this option, the original budget in the application will be assessed.
Art Platform Start
For starting organisations with legal status (not individuals) in the field of contemporary visual arts.
Do you have plans for a series of presentations? Perhaps with some associated activities? If so, Start is your category.
This concerns a grant of €50,000 per year, for 2 calendar years.
At least 10% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
Applications for the Start category can be submitted in 2024 and 2026.
There are 3 categories within the Art Platform Programmes grant. Please read below for further explanation of the category Start.
For whom
For organisations starting up in the field of contemporary visual arts. Only organisations with legal status (not individuals) can apply. The Mondriaan Fund defines start-up organisations as art platforms that have not had a programme running for more than 5 years at the time of application. Applicants in the Start category have a frequent or non-frequent programme of activities such as exhibitions, gatherings for discussions and lectures.
For what
The grant is intended for plans for a number of presentations over 2 calendar years, possibly also with a number of associated activities. A grant in the Start category can be awarded a maximum of 3 times.
How much
€ 50,000 a year, for 2 calendar years.
A maximum of 10 grants will be awarded (provided that the budget legislator makes sufficient resources available)
Terms and conditions for a Start grant
Only starting organisations with legal status can apply.
Grants cannot be made to activities that are already or will be financed from another grant of the Mondriaan Fund or one of the other National Culture Funds, or on the basis of the Regulation on specific cultural policy.
Institutions for further art education and sector- and umbrella organisations are not eligible to apply.
At least 10% of the budget for the organisation’s structural costs must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income.
All applications and the relevant attachments are first checked to ensure they are complete and tested against the formal conditions by Mondriaan Fund staff. If so, the application is then submitted to the committee that advises on awarding Art Platform Start grants.
An Art Platform Start grant can only be awarded if the committee advises to that effect.
Because overall funds are limited, we are not always able to honour all positive recommendations. In that case, the Board of Directors of the Mondriaan Fund will request that the advisory committee compare the positive recommendations and indicate which have greatest priority. Here, the pluriformity of the total group of platforms to receive grants is considered, in order to ensure a representative and multifaceted range of contemporary visual arts in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. This means that it can happen that an application receives a positive recommendation, but the grant can unfortunately not be awarded.
All assessments and recommendation texts will be published online following the decisions.
A description of the organisation, the people involved (artists, curators, collaboration partners, etc.), the activities developed in the recent past and the ambitions for the near future.
A plan with the following components:
A programme.
Presentation plan with an explanation as to how the intended audience will be reached.
Explanation as to why a contribution is of importance at this time as well as how it can provide a boost to the initiative in the longer term.
Explanation of the local embedding of the initiative. The Mondriaan Fund takes the local context and regional distribution into account in its assessment.
A reflection on the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code in which the organisation explains how the codes have played a role in the policy so far and what steps the organisation wants to take in this regard over the next 2 years in this area.
A budget with a coverage plan.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
The advisory committee assesses whether the art platform is or will become important for contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and takes into account the following criteria:
The artistic quality of the activities from the recent past:
To what extent does the art platform have a convincing artistic vision on current topics within the visual arts and/or relevant social developments?
Is the translation of the artistic vision sufficiently visible in activities and programming in the past year?
Has the art platform or, if applicable, have those involved in the art platform developed positively?
The artistic quality of the activities in the plan:
To what extent does the plan offer opportunities for the intended development of the art platform?
How is the quality of the artists and curators involved assessed?
Is the selection of artists and curators sufficiently in line with the programme plan?
Is the plan feasible and is there confidence that the intended artistic and substantive programme will be realised?
Audience reach:
Does the application realistically describe a relevant audience for whom the programme is intended?
Does the application provide confidence that the intended audience will be reached?
Local embedding: *
Does the institution relate to the local (cultural) context and infrastructure in a credible manner?
To what extent does the applicant distinguish itself from institutions that implement cultural programmes within the same region?
Quality of the organisation and business operations:
Is the budget realistic and suitable for the plan?
To what extent is the arts platform organisationally capable of implementing the programme plan?
Dealing with the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code:
Does the art platform reflect on the codes in a convincing manner?
Are the formulated ambitions with regard to the codes realistic?
*Please note that this criterion carries more weight in the decision-making process, as this is a policy focus point within the grant.
Art Platform Start Checklist
In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund will need some information: data for you to enter in the application form, as well as documents that you can upload. Here you will find a checklist that follows the layout of the application form.
Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.
Recent and current (maximum 1 year old) extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce register
Bank details
We need the applicant’s bank account number to transfer the amount if the application has been granted. Has the account number changed or is it new to the Mondriaan Fund? Then please upload a recent bank statement with the application, clearly stating the name and IBAN/bank account number of the requesting institution. Applicants based in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can provide a bank statement or other document from the bank showing the account holder’s name and bank account number.
Sustainability Survey
In order to submit the application, you must indicate in the application form that you have completed the sustainability survey of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This was not part of the assessment of the application.
Please note: The sustainability survey is available as of December 1 through the application form.
Annual accounts (possibly including management report)
You must upload a 2022 annual account approved and signed by the board. The annual accounts show the financial situation of the organisation. If the application is assessed positively, we ask you to send us an annual account for 2023 approved and signed by the board.
Profile Art Platform (max. 3 pages)
Please provide a brief description of the organisation, the people involved, the activities developed in the recent past and the ambitions for the near future.
Programme plan (max. 12 pages)
In the input field you provide a brief summary of the programme with a relevant selection of the artists, curators and partners involved. (max. characters: 1375)
The programme plan must contain the following components:
A programme.
A presentation plan with an explanation of how the intended audience will be reached.
An explanation as to why a contribution is of importance at this time as well as how it can provide a boost to the art platform in the longer term.
An explanation of the local embedding of the art platform. The Mondriaan Fund takes the local context and regional distribution into account in its assessment.
Applicants endorse the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code and apply them as best as possible. In addition, you provide an explanation of how the codes have played a role in the policy so far and what steps the organisation wants to take in this area over the next 2 years.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
Itemized budget with coverage plan
Art Platform Start concerns a contribution of €50,000 per year for the year 2025 and for 2026. At least 10% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties (such as other governments, private funds) and/or own income for the structural costs of the organisation. Please note: The budget must be balanced, whereby the budget is in line with the activities, taking into account the codes. Please click here for an explanation of the budget for art platforms and the lexicon.
Complete the budget/operating account in the application form
You can fill in the budget and coverage plan for each cost item in the application form. This part of the application form consists of one column, in which you enter an average of the income and expenditure over the years 2025-2026.
Explanation of the budget and the quantitative activity overview (max. 5 pages)
In the explanation of the budget, you indicate which part of the budget and which specific item the explanation relates to. In addition, we ask you to specify the year or years. The explanation will in any case include:
A specification of the items ‘Other direct income’, ‘Indirect income’, ‘Private resources – private funds’. The item(s) under ‘Subsidies’ are specified if there is more than one subsidy.
In the appendix you should also provide a description of:
specific activities or projects for which you would like to further explain the benefits, costs or quantity and/or;
a special development of income and/or expenses during the subsidy period;
the financial position of the current financial year (disappointing income and/or higher expenditure, possible additional support from subsidy providers);
risks related to continuity and measures to cover these risks;
the application of Fair Pay, where you provide insight into how the guidelines are followed and calculated.
In the quantitative activity overview, we ask you to explain the number of activities and the audience reach. Also indicate how (the intended) audience numbers are measured and determined.
Letters of confirmation (if available)
Collect all letters in which third parties confirm their intended financial contributions to your programme and include these together in a single PDF document.
Questions about Art Platform Start? If something is unclear, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact persons of category Start: : Douke IJsselstein, Minouche Wardenaar or call 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay.
Art Platform Basic
For professional contemporary visual arts organisations with an annual programme of presentations and activities.
Have you been running programmes for at least 2 years and do people in the field know where to find you with demonstrable regularity? Do you have plans for a programme that will provide a platform for presentations and activities over the next 4 years that contribute in an interesting way to the total range of visual arts in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom? Then you may qualify for the Basic category.
This concerns a grant of € 225,000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
At least 20% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
Applications for the Basic category are only possible in 2024.
There are 3 categories within the Art Platform Programmes scheme. Read below the explanation of category Basic.
For whom
For professional contemporary visual arts organisations with a relevant artistic and substantive programme that have an annual programme for at least 2 years and attract a professional audience.
For what
The grant is intended to be used for an artistic and substantive programme over the next 4 years, supplemented with activities that support the programme.
How much
€ 225,000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
A maximum of 23 grants will be awarded (provided that the budget legislator makes sufficient resources available)
Terms and conditions for a Basic grant
Applicants have put on a relevant exhibition programme at least 2 years prior to application.
Applicants have an active and implemented policy on the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code. You must be able to reflect on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes and, using a step-by-step plan, outline points for improvement in relation to your own performance within the codes.
Grants cannot be made to activities that are already or will be financed from another one of the Mondriaan Fund’s grants or one of the other National Culture Funds, or on the basis of the Regulation on specific cultural policy.
Institutions for further art education and sector- and umbrella organisations are not eligible to apply.
At least 20% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
All applications and the relevant attachments are first checked to ensure they are complete and tested against the formal conditions by Mondriaan Fund staff. If so, the application is then submitted to the committee that advises on awarding Art Platform Basic grants.
An Art Platform Basic grant can only be awarded if the committee advises to that effect.
In making its assessment, the committee can consider whether the applicant organisation has attributed itself to the correct category. Depending on that assessment, an application can be rejected or awarded in a different category.
External advice is sought to assess the professionalism of business operations and compliance with the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code. For Basic and Broad, the preliminary recommendations are used in the assessment of these 2 criteria by the advisory committee.
Because overall funds are limited, we are not always able to honour all positive recommendations. In that case, the Board of Directors of the Mondriaan Fund will request that the advisory committee compare the positive recommendations and indicate which have greatest priority. Here, the pluriformity of the total group of platforms to receive grants is considered, in order to ensure a representative and multifaceted range of contemporary visual arts in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. This means that it can happen that an application receives a positive recommendation, but the grant can unfortunately not be awarded.
All assessments and advisory texts will be published online following the decisions.
A description of the organisation, the people involved, the activities developed in the past 2 years with an emphasis on innovative developments in artistic and organizational areas.
A plan with the following components:
A programme with a convincing artistic content base.
Presentation plan explaining how the professional audience will be reached. Also elaborate on how the expected audience number relates to prior audience reach (make a clear distinction between physical visitors, online participants of digital programmes, or visitors to events or presentations outside your own location). Also indicate how (the estimated) visitor figures are measured and determined.
Explanation of the local embedding of the institution and to what extent it is distinctive from other cultural institutions in the region. Also mention local and/or regional collaborations and (financial) support and/or involvement by third parties.
Explanation of the active and implemented policy on the Fair Practice Code, the Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code, which reflects on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes, points for improvement are identified and a step-by-step plan towards improvement is formulated.
Budget with a coverage plan.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
The advisory committee assesses whether the art platform is or will become important for contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and/or the region where it is located. To this end, it weighs the following criteria in conjunction with each other:
The artistic vision and the artistic quality of activities from the recent past:
To what extent does the art platform have a convincing artistic vision on current topics within the visual arts and/or other subjects?
Is the expression of the artistic vision sufficiently visible in activities and programming in the past 2 years?
How is the quality of the activities from the recent past valued by third parties?
The substantive artistic quality of the activities in the plan:
Does the programme plan credibly match the artistic vision, role, position and development of the art platform? Is the plan distinctive or special for some other reason?
How is the quality assessed of the involved artists and curators? Is the selection sufficiently in line with the programme plan?
Is the plan feasible and is there confidence that the intended substantive artistic programme will be realised?
Innovative qualities:
Can the activities be characterised as innovative for the institution itself?
Does the programming relate to developments in society?
Audience reach:
Does the plan credibly describe target groups?
Does the plan provide confidence that the intended audience will be reached and is it therefore able to attract audiences?
Local and/or regional embedding: *
Does the institution relate convincingly to the local and/or regional cultural context and infrastructure?
To what extent does the applicant distinguish itself from institutions that implement cultural programmes within the same region?
Is there local and/or regional (financial) support or involvement?
Quality of organisation and professionalism of business operations:
Has the financial management been consistently well-run?
Is the budget realistic and appropriate to the plan?
Does the budget provide sufficient confidence for healthy financial operations for the future?
Dealing with the Fair Practice Code, the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code:
Does the art platform have an active and implemented policy with regard to these codes?
Does the art platform reflect convincingly on the codes, does it identify areas for improvement compared to its own performance and has it formulated a step-by-step plan?
*Please note that this criterion carries more weight in the decision-making process, as this is a policy focus point within the grant.
Art Platform Basic Checklist
In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund will need some information: data for you to enter in the application form, as well as documents that you can upload. Here you will find a checklist that follows the layout of the application form.
Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.
Recent and current (maximum 1 year old) extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce register
Bank details
We need the applicant’s bank account number to transfer the amount if the application has been granted. Has the account number changed or is it new to the Mondriaan Fund? Then please upload a recent bank statement with the application, clearly stating the name and IBAN/bank account number of the requesting institution. Applicants based in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can provide a bank statement or other document from the bank showing the account holder’s name and bank account number.
Sustainability Survey
In order to submit the application, you must indicate in the application form that you have completed the sustainability survey of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This was not part of the assessment of the application.
Please note: The sustainability survey is available as of December 1 through the application form.
Annual accounts (possibly including management report)
You must upload a 2022 annual account approved and signed by the board. The annual accounts show the financial situation of the organisation. If the application is assessed positively, we ask you to send us an annual account for 2023 approved and signed by the board.
Profile Art Platform (max. 3 pages)
Give a brief description of the organisation, the people involved, and a reflection on the activities developed over the last 2 years, with an emphasis on innovative developments in artistic and organisational areas. Also please mention the professionalism of the business operations.
Attachment with reviews and articles from the past 2 years about the art platform (max. 5 articles combined in 1 PDF of max. 5 pages). URLs to web pages are not permitted.
Programme plan (max. 14 pages)
In the input field you provide a brief summary of the programme with a relevant selection of the artists, curators and partners involved. (max. characters: 1375)
The programme plan must contain the following components:
A programme with a convincing artistic content base.
The artists, curators, and partners involved.
A presentation plan explaining how the intended audience will be reached and linked to the platform. Also elaborate on how the expected audience number relates to prior audience reach (make a clear distinction between physical visitors, and possible online participants of digital programmes in the quantitative activity overview in the application form, and provide an explanation.
Explanation of the local embedding of the institution and to what extent it is distinctive from other cultural institutions in the region. Also mention local and/or regional collaborations and (financial) support and/or involvement by third parties.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
Application of codes (max. 3 pages)
Applicants endorse the Fair Practice Code, the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code. Please provide an explanation of the active and implemented policy on the codes in the appendix. Reflect on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes and identify areas for improvement. Describe how you will tackle those improvement points using a step-by-step plan. Compliance with the Fair Practice Code automatically means that your organisation puts the artist fees guideline into practice.
Please note: The Artist’s Fee Directive was reassessed in 2023 and can be consulted at The revised guideline will be applied from January 1, 2025.
Itemized budget with coverage plan
Art Platform Basic concerns a contribution of € 225,000 per year for the period 2025-2028. You must upload a global budget including a balanced coverage plan. The budget contains an average overview of income and expenditure for the years 2025-2028. At least 20% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties (such as other governments, private funds) and/or own income for the structural costs of the organisation. Please note: The budget must be balanced, whereby the budget is in line with the activities, taking into account the codes. Please click here for an explanation of the budget for art platforms and the lexicon.
Complete the budget/operating account in the application form
You can fill in the budget and coverage plan for each cost item in the application form. This part of the application form consists of one column, in which you enter an average of the income and expenditure over the years 2025-2026.
Explanation of the budget and the quantitative activity overview (max. 5 pages)
In the explanation of the budget, you indicate which part of the budget and which specific item the explanation relates to. In addition, we ask you to specify the year or years. The explanation will in any case include:
A specification of the items ‘Other direct income’, ‘Indirect income’, ‘Private resources – private funds’. The item(s) under ‘Subsidies’ are specified if there is more than one subsidy.
In the appendix you should also provide a description of:
specific activities or projects for which you would like to further explain the benefits, costs or quantity and/or;
a special development of income and/or expenses during the subsidy period;
the financial position of the current financial year (disappointing income and/or higher expenditure, possible additional support from subsidy providers);
risks related to continuity and measures to cover these risks;
the application of Fair Pay, where you provide insight into how the guidelines are followed and calculated.
In the quantitative activity overview, we ask you to explain the number of activities and the audience reach. Also indicate how (the intended) audience numbers are measured and determined.
Letters of confirmation (if available)
Collect all letters in which third parties confirm their intended financial contributions to your programme and include these together in a single PDF document.
Questions about Art Platform Basic? If something is unclear, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact persons of category Basic: Bonnie Dumanaw, Carmen Muskee or call 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay
Art Platform Broad
For professional contemporary visual arts institutions of local to (inter)national importance that have carried out a regular annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years, supplemented with an extensive programme of activities, for a diverse audience of professionals and other interested parties.
Do you have a well-thought-out, substantive programme of artistic content? Is it a regular annual programme with presentations and activities? Do you have a strong audience reach beyond the professional audience and the associated (desired) public facilities? You also have a clear and convincing vision on marketing and communication. And do you have a clear strategy with regard to the local and (inter)national context? Then you may qualify for the Broad category.
This concerns a grant of €450,000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
At least 30% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organisation’s structural costs.
Applications for the Broad category can only be submitted in 2024.
There are 3 categories within the Art Platform Programmes scheme. Read below the explanation of category Broad.
For whom
For professional contemporary visual arts institutions of local to (inter)national importance that have carried out a regular annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years, supplemented with an extensive programme of activities, for a diverse audience of professionals and other interested parties.
For what
The contribution is intended for a well-thought-out artistic and substantive programme for contemporary visual arts, supplemented with an extensive activities programme, for a diverse audience of professionals and other interested parties.
How much
€ 450.000 per year, for 4 calendar years.
A maximum of 6 grants will be awarded (provided that the budget legislator makes sufficient resources available)
Terms and conditions for a Broad grant
Applicants must have carried out a regular artistic content programme at least 2 years prior to the application.
Applicants have an active and implemented policy on the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture en de Diversity & Inclusion Code. You must be able to reflect on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes and, using a step-by-step plan, outline points for improvement in relation to your own performance within the codes.
Grants cannot be made to activities that are already or will be financed from another one of the Mondriaan Fund’s grants or one of the other National Culture Funds, or on the basis of the Regulation on specific cultural policy.
Institutions for further art education and sector- and umbrella organisations are not eligible to apply.
At least 30% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties and/or own income for the organization’s structural costs.
All applications and the relevant attachments are first checked to ensure they are complete and tested against the formal conditions by Mondriaan Fund staff. If so, the application is then submitted to the committee that advises on awarding Art Platform Broad grants.
An Art Platform Broad grant can only be awarded if the committee advises to that effect.
In making its assessment, the committee can consider whether the applicant organisation has attributed itself to the correct category. Depending on that assessment, an application can be rejected or awarded in a different category.
External advice is sought to assess the professionalism of business operations and compliance with the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code. For Basic and Broad, the preliminary recommendations are used in the assessment of these 2 criteria by the advisory committee.
Because overall funds are limited, we are not always able to honour all positive advisories. In that case, the Board of Directors of the Mondriaan Fund will request that the advisory committee compare the positive recommendations and indicate which have greatest priority. Here, the pluriformity of the total group of platforms to receive grants is considered, in order to ensure a representative and multifaceted range of contemporary visual arts in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. This means that it can happen that an application receives a positive recommendation, but the grant can unfortunately not be awarded.
All assessments and recommendation texts will be published online following the decisions.
A description of the mission, vision and profile of the institution, the people involved, a reflection on the activities developed in the past 2 years with an emphasis on artistic and organisational developments.
A programme plan with the following components:
A well-thought-out and relevant artistic content programme.
Presentation plan with an explanation of how a strong audience reach beyond the professional will be achieved. Discuss the (desired) public facilities and offer a convincing public strategy that provides insight into more different target groups and how they can be reached and bound to the platform. Also explain how the expected audience number relates to previous audience reach (distinguish between physical visitors and any online participants of digital programmes). Also indicate how (the estimation of) visitor figures are measured and determined.
Explanation of the local embedding of the institution and to what extent it is distinctive from other cultural institutions in the region. Also mention local and/or regional collaborations and (financial) support and/or involvement by third parties.
Explanation of the active and implemented policy on the Fair Practice Code, Governance Code Culture and the Diversity & Inclusion Code, which reflects on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes, points for improvement are identified and a step-by-step plan towards improvement is formulated.
Budget with a covering plan.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
The advisory committee assesses whether the art platform is important for contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and the region where it is located. To this end, it weighs the following criteria in conjunction with each other:
The artistic vision, mission and profile of the art platform and the quality of artistic content of activities from the recent past: *
What are the goals that are expressed in the mission and is it made plausible that the goals will be achieved?
How does the institution profile and position itself both nationally and in the city or region?
To what extent does the art platform have a convincing artistic vision on current topics within the visual arts and/or other subjects?
Is the translation of the artistic vision sufficiently visible in activities and programming over the past 2 years?
How is the quality of the activities from the recent past valued by third parties?
The quality of the artistic content of the activities in the plan:
Does the programme plan convincingly match the artistic vision, role, position and development of the art platform? And is the programme plan exemplary, distinctive or special for some other reason?
How is the quality assessed of the artists and curators that are involved? Is the selection sufficiently in line with the programme plan?
Is the plan feasible and is there confidence that the intended artistic programme will be realised?
Innovative qualities:
Can the activities be characterised as innovative for the contemporary arts field?
Does the programming demonstrate a convincing connection to societal developments?
Audience reach: *
Does the institution radiate a hospitable attitude and does the institution have necessary public facilities?
Does the art platform have a convincing strategy to reach, and appeal to, a broad audience?
Does the plan convincingly describe target groups?
Does the communication strategy provide confidence that the intended target groups will be reached and connected to the stage?
Local and/or regional embedding: *
Does the institution relate well to the existing cultural infrastructure?
Does the art platform enter into credible alliances and collaborations?
Is there local and/or regional (financial) support or involvement?
Quality of organisation and professionalism of business operations:
Has the financial management been consistently well-run?
Is the budget realistic and appropriate to the plan?
Does the budget provide sufficient confidence for healthy financial operations for the future?
Dealing with the Fair Practice Code, Governance Culture Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code:
Does the art platform have an active and implemented policy with regard to these codes?
Does the art platform reflect convincingly on the codes, does it identify areas for improvement compared to its own performance and has it formulated a step-by-step plan?
*Please note that these criteria carry more weight in the decision-making process, as this is a policy focus point within the grant.
Art Platform Broad
In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund will need some information: data for you to enter in the application form, as well as documents that you can upload. Here you will find a checklist that follows the layout of the application form.
Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.
Recent and current (maximum 1 year old) extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce register
Bank details
We need the applicant’s bank account number to transfer the amount if the application has been granted. Has the account number changed or is it new to the Mondriaan Fund? Then please upload a recent bank statement with the application, clearly stating the name and IBAN/bank account number of the requesting institution. Applicants based in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can provide a bank statement or other document from the bank showing the account holder’s name and bank account number.
Sustainability Survey
In order to submit the application, you must indicate in the application form that you have completed the sustainability survey of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This was not part of the assessment of the application.
Please note: The sustainability survey is available as of December 1 through the application form.
Annual accounts (possibly including management report)
You must upload a 2022 annual account approved and signed by the board. The annual accounts show the financial situation of the organisation. If the application is assessed positively, we ask you to send us an annual account for 2023 approved and signed by the board.
Profile Art Platform (max. 3 pages)
Give a brief description of the mission, vision and profile of the organisation, the people involved, and a reflection on the activities that have developed over the past two years, with an emphasis on artistic and organisational developments. Please also mention the professionalism of the business operations and the audience recruitment.
Attachment with reviews and articles from the past 2 years about the art platform (max. 5 articles combined in 1 PDF of max. 5 pages). URLs to web pages are not permitted.
Programme plan (max. 14 pages)
In the input field you provide a brief summary of the programme with a relevant selection of the artists, curators and partners involved. (max. characters: 1375)
The programme plan must contain the following components:
A well-thought-out and relevant artistic wide content programme.
The involved artists, curators and collaborative partners.
A presentation plan with an explanation of how a strong audience reach beyond the professional will be achieved. Discuss the (desired) public facilities and offer a convincing public strategy that provides insight into more different target groups and how they can be reached and bound to the platform. Also explain how the expected audience number relates to previous audience reach (distinguish between physical visitors and any online participants of digital programmes). Also indicate how (the estimation of) visitor figures are measured and determined.
An explanation of the local embedding of the institution and to what extent it is distinctive from other cultural institutions in the region. Also mention local and/or regional collaborations and (financial) support and/or involvement of third parties.
Please note: To avoid any possible appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the advisory committee may not be included in the application.
Application of codes (max. 3 pages)
Applicants endorse the Fair Practice Code, the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code. Please provide an explanation of the active and implemented policy on the codes in the appendix. Reflect on the position of the organisation in relation to the codes and identify areas for improvement. Describe how you will tackle those improvement points using a step-by-step plan. Compliance with the Fair Practice Code automatically means that your organisation puts the artist fees guideline into practice.
NB The Artist’s Fee Directive was reassessed in 2023 and can be consulted at The revised guideline will be applied from January 1, 2025.
Itemized budget with coverage plan
Art Platform Broad concerns a contribution of € 450,000 per year for the period 2025-2028. You must upload a complete budget including a balanced coverage plan. The budget contains an average overview of income and expenditure for the years 2025-2028. At least 30% of the budget must be covered by financial contributions from third parties (such as other governments, private funds) and/or own income for the structural costs of the organisation. Please note: The budget must be balanced, whereby the budget is in line with the activities, taking into account the codes. Please click here for an explanation of the budget for art platforms and the lexicon.
Complete the budget/operating account in the application form
You can fill in the budget and coverage plan for each cost item in the application form. This part of the application form consists of one column, in which you enter an average of the income and expenditure over the years 2025-2026.
Explanation of the budget and the quantitative activity overview (max. 5 pages)
In the explanation of the budget, you indicate which part of the budget and which specific item the explanation relates to. In addition, we ask you to specify the year or years. The explanation will in any case include:
A specification of the items ‘Other direct income’, ‘Indirect income’, ‘Private resources – private funds’. The item(s) under ‘Subsidies’ are specified if there is more than one subsidy.
In the appendix you should also provide a description of:
specific activities or projects for which you would like to further explain the benefits, costs or quantity and/or;
a special development of income and/or expenses during the subsidy period;
the financial position of the current financial year (disappointing income and/or higher expenditure, possible additional support from subsidy providers);
risks related to continuity and measures to cover these risks;
the application of Fair Pay, where you provide insight into how the guidelines are followed and calculated.
In the quantitative activity overview, we ask you to explain the number of activities and the audience reach. Also indicate how (the intended) audience numbers are measured and determined.
Letters of confirmation (if available)
Collect all letters in which third parties confirm their intended financial contributions to your programme and include these together in a single PDF document.
Questions about Art Platform Broad? If something is unclear, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the contact persons of category Broad: Bonnie Dumanaw, Carmen Muskee or call 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay
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