Artist Basic (2021-2024)

Do you want to expand your oeuvre, make your work more visible, carry out research or conduct experiments? If so, you may be eligible for an Artist Basic grant.


What Happened Here - In the Company of Picasso, Oussama Diab, 2015

For whom

Visual artists who have been working professionally for a minimum of 4 years.

For what

For creating work.

How much

€ 44,000


Please check this list carefully before you start your application.

Who preceded you?

View granted applications for this grant.

Note! In the run-up to the new policy plan period 2025-2028, the Mondriaan Fund’s application system will be closed for a week in order to make adjustments to grants and application forms. The deadline for applications in 2024 is Monday 30 December 2024, 16.00 (Dutch time zone) / 11.00 (Caribbean time zone). Read the full message here.

For whom

Artist Basic grants are for visual artists, to help them make new work and further development of their professional practice.

The Mondriaan Fund offers Artist Basic grants to stimulate the development of visual artists’ oeuvres, their cultural entrepreneurship and their visibility, supporting the creation of work that can make a valuable contribution to contemporary visual art in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

For what

You can use this grant to create work. That can include research, experimentation, or the purchase of new materials or equipment. Or it can help with the execution of a commission and/or participation in exhibitions or events in the Netherlands or abroad.

How much

€ 44,000. This amount will be paid in segments over no less than 2 and no more than 4 years.


Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, using the Mondriaan Fund’s online application system. You must first apply for an account in order to submit your application. Once your application is complete, please allow for a processing period of 3 months from the moment your application has been submitted in full. Grants cannot be awarded retroactively. However, due to the many applications to the fund, the processing time can take longer than expected.

The following is based on the deelregeling Kunstenaar Basis (in Dutch).



The Mondriaan Fund staff check the submitted applications and attachments to ensure that they are complete. Once an application is complete, it is submitted to the committee that advises on awarding Artist Basic grants.

When the committee approves the quality of the work and your artistic practice, it also assesses your working plan and ways in which you, as an artist, try to find an audience for your work.

Due to our limited budget, it is not always possible to award grants to all those whose applications receive positive advisories from the committee. The board of the Mondriaan Fund consequently requests the advisory committee to weigh up the approved applications against one another and rank them in order of priority. This can mean that an application can be positively assessed, but the applicant is not awarded a grant.

What happens with my application?


To process your application, the Mondriaan Fund needs information. All of this information can be submitted in the application form itself, along with documentation that you can upload. Here below is a checklist that follows the layout of the application form and contains all the information required.

Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.

Interest-free loan

Artists who are recipients of Mondriaan Fund grants qualify for pre-approved, interest-free loans from Fonds Kwadraat. This could, for example, cover the purchase of materials or equipment.

Questions & contact

If you have a question please reach out to a contact person of this grant.

Or call to 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to

Emma Parmentier

project officer and contact person for interdisciplinary projects Send a message Or call +31 (0)20 523 1519

Sreymom Korng

Iris van Hest