
44 art platform are heading for a fair pay proof future

In the period 2025-2028, the Mondriaan Fund will contribute more than €38,5 million to the multi-year programmes of 44 art platforms in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands has a rich landscape of art platforms, which combined together form the breeding ground of the visual arts. Talent finds a place, new audiences are welcomed and quality is given a platform. International discoveries are introduced, innovations are celebrated and careers are shaped. The art platforms form the basis of the visual arts field and are indispensable for a healthy sector.

From 2025, organisations are expected to apply fair pay, because everybody who works in the cultural sector should be sufficiently rewarded for their efforts. However, art platforms are often financially vulnerable. Organisations are usually small and budgets are modest. To better equip the sector for fair pay, an additional budget has been released by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for the coming policy plan period. The Mondriaan Fund thus offers art platforms a stronger starting position and gives the visual arts a necessary additional support.

Eelco van der Lingen, director:

“With a view to the future, it is nice that we can offer such a beautiful selection of art platforms, spread across the Kingdom, a good basis for realising wonderful programmes and providing fair pay. With this support, we hope to not only contribute to high quality and better pay but also to increasing the attraction of a sector that deserves it and that we need.”

The announcement of the awarded grants within the multi-annual Art Platform Programme 2025-2028 coincides with the presentation of the advice by the Council for Culture on the grant applications submitted for the basis infrastructuur (bis) 2025-2028 and the announcement of the awarded grants for the multi-annual grants from the Performing Arts Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Film Fund, Literature Fund and Fund for Cultural Participation. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Council for Culture and the 6 rijkscultuurfondsen (public cultural funds) underline that they stand together to support a high-quality, diverse and accessible cultural offer in all parts of the Kingdom

The multi-year grant Art Platform Programme 2025-2028

This grant is intended for programmes that offer a high-quality and varied range of contemporary visual art for a diverse audience, ranging from the interested professional to the visitor for whom everything is new. The grant has 3 categories: Broad, Basic and Start. In conjunction with each other, these provide a wide range of contemporary visual art by starting contemporary visual arts institutions as well as more experienced ones. The applications for programmes that give shape and content to relevant developments within contemporary visual art in the most appealing way have been granted.

In this application round we received 97 applications, of which 86 were processed. See below the art platforms that receive a contribution per category:

Art Platform Broad – is for professional contemporary visual arts organisations from a local to (inter)national level that have carried out a regular annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years, supplemented with an extensive programme of activities. Amount: €450,000 per year, for 4 calendar years.

Within this category, 15 applications were processed.
The following 5 institutions will receive a grant:
1646 (The Hague), de Appel (Amsterdam), Oude Kerk (Amsterdam), Nest (The Hague) and VHDG (Leeuwarden).

Art Platform Basic – is for professional contemporary visual arts organisations with a relevant artistic and substantive programme that have conducted an annual programme of presentations for at least 2 years. Amount: €225,000 per year, for 4 calendar years.

Within this category, 59 applications were processed.
The following 32 institutions will receive a grant:
A Tale of a Tub (Rotterdam), Ateliers ‘89 (Oranjestad, Aruba), Bewaerschole (Burgh-Haamstede), Brutus (Rotterdam), buitenplaats Kasteel Wijlre (Wijlre), Casco (Utrecht), Dat Bolwerck (Zutphen), Drawing Centre Diepenheim (Diepenheim), FOTODOK (Utrecht), het resort (Groningen), Hotel Maria Kapel (Hoorn), Human Activities (Domburg), If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part of Your Revolution (Amsterdam), Into Nature (Assen), Kunstenlab (Deventer), Kunstfort (Vijfhuizen), Kunsthuis SYB (Beetsterzwaag), Kunstpodium T (Tilburg), MaMA (Rotterdam), Metro54 (Amsterdam), Nieuwe Vide (Haarlem), Odapark (Venray), Onomatopee (Eindhoven), Page Not Found (The Hague), Plaatsmaken (Arnhem), POST (Nijmegen/Arnhem), RADIUS (Delft), Roodkapje (Rotterdam), ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose (Amsterdam), SIGN (Groningen), W139 (Amsterdam) and Zone2Source (Amsterdam).

Five applications have been assessed positively, but unfortunately cannot be awarded a grant due to the limitations of the available budget. This concerns the applications by: Captain Hoek (Amsterdam), De Fabriek (Eindhoven), Kunstverein (Amsterdam), Nieuw Dakota (Amsterdam) and Rib (Rotterdam).

Art Platform Start – is for starting organisations that have not carried out a programme of presentations and activities for more than 5 years. Amount: €50,000 per year, for 2 calendar years.

Within this category, 12 applications were processed.
The following 7 art platforms will receive a grant:
(A)WAKE (Rotterdam), EEN FABRIEK (Vlissingen), Kunsthal Kloof (Utrecht), L / N K (Zwolle), Playbill (Amsterdam), ROEM (Leiden) and WET (Rotterdam).

In 2025, various Art Platform Programme grants from 2022 and 2023 are still valid. This is true for:
Melkweg Expo (Amsterdam), Rib (Rotterdam) and Stroom (The Hague).

Basic infrastructure (bis) 2025-2028

Six art platforms are included in the Basic Infrastructure and are therefore directly financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.