When can you apply for a grant, how does it work and what do you need to be aware of? The Creative Industries Fund NL and Mondriaan Fund are jointly organising an information session on grant possibilities for artists and designers who have already graduated or are close to graduation. The Get a Grant event takes place on February 13th from 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. at ArtEZ in Arnhem.
The Get a Grant Event gives an overview of what the Creative Industries Fund NL and Mondriaan Fund can offer starting creative professionals. Staff from the two funds will tell you about the grant possibilities. In addition, two recipients of the grant will talk about their experiences in submitting an application and answer questions from the public. Afterwards, there will be a reception where you can meet other designers and artists. Will we see you there?
Date: Thursday February 13th, 2025
Location: ArtEZ Arnhem
Time: 4 pm to 5.30 pm (reception until 6.30 pm)
Language: English
Register via the form below
Get a Grant events
Since 2015, the Creative Industries Fund NL and the Mondriaan Fund have jointly organised Get a Grant events. With these meetings, we inform (just) starting artists and designers, students and alumni about the subsidy possibilities of both funds.
Talent Development Grant Scheme
The Talent Development Grant Scheme of the Creative Industries Fund NL is open for applications once a year to emerging designers and makers in the field of design, architecture or digital culture in the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
Artist Start grant
The Artist Start grant of the Mondriaan Fund is for visual artists who have been working professionally for a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 4 years and who want to further develop their art practice. Applications can be submitted at any time of the year.
Aanmelden/ registration - Get a Grant event on February 13
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