Grants Archive

New application round Heritage Innovation

Are you working to develop new visions or narratives about our cultural heritage, for example through an exceptional presentation, a new presentation arrangement, layout or structure, or a thematic collaboration that is relevant to society and would reach a diverse audience? If so, you may be eligible for a Heritage Innovation grant.

The Mondriaan Fund offers Heritage Innovation grants to stimulate museums and heritage institutions managing collections to develop innovative initiatives that result in transition, including research, new programming, exceptional thematic collaborations and redesigns that are relevant to society.

Applications for the Heritage Innovation grant can be submitted twice each year. The next deadline in 2024 for submission is 5 September. 

Questions & contact

Questions about this grant?

Call 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay.

Lotte Hemelrijk

Talitha van Ooyen