Eszter Lázár

Function: Curatorial team OFF Biennale and senior lecturer Art Theory & Curatorial Department Country: Hungary Visiting period: 22 - 26 May Visiting year: 2022

Eszter Lázár is a curator and lecturer based in Budapest. She holds a PhD in cultural studies from the Doctoral School of Literary Studies, University of Pécs.

In addition to teaching in the Department of Art Theory and Curatorial Studies at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, she curates exhibitions and collaborates in projects (e.g. OFF-Biennale Budapest, 2015, 2017; curated by, 2018 in Vienna with Edina Nagy; Residency Under Investigation at, Bratislava, 2017; The Blue Room with artist duo Tehnica Schweiz, 2019). Between 2016 and 2019 she was a researcher of the Film Section in the international RomArchive project. She joined the curatorial team of the OFF-Biennale Budapest in 2019. Recently she co-curated Waiting Room – Women Healers and Practitioners at the Periphery of Medicine (2020-2021) and has been involved in an H2020 project on artistic research as part of the EU4ART Alliance. She has also been busy with preparing for the OFF-Biennale’s projects for documenta fifteen.