Tamás Don

Function: Chief curator Modem Country: Hungary Visiting period: 22 - 26 May Visiting year: 2022

Tamás Don (1991) completed his degree in Art Theory at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2014, and in 2016, he received his MA degree from the same department. The subject of the essay he wrote for the completion of his bachelor’s degree and the focus of his research is the integration of young emerging artists into the Hungarian contemporary art institutional system, and his interests include projects reflecting on social and political issues and jewish identity.

From autumn 2015 to the end of 2017, he was a member of the board of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association. In February 2018, he began to serve as curator of MODEM in Debrecen, and he has also worked on several independent curatorial projects, including the Bánkitó Fine Arts Festival and the Küszöb Festival. From January of 2022 he is the chief curator of MODEM.