Grants from the Mondriaan Fund can be requested via the digital application system, for which you need an account.
Note: the Mondriaan Fund is closed from Monday 23 to Friday 27 December 2024. The help desk will not be open for enquiries during this period. We will be able to answer your questions when we reopen on Monday 30 December (albeit with limited availability). The deadline for applications in 2024 is Monday 30 December 2024, 16.00 (Dutch time zone) / 11.00 (Caribbean time zone). If you have not previously submitted an application, you first need to apply for an account. Please note that the deadline for applying for an account is Wednesday 18 December 2024, 16.00 (Dutch time zone) / 11.00 (Caribbean time zone).
Do you already have an account?
Log in via the button below.
Don’t you have an account yet?
Request an account here as an individual or as a contact person for an organization.*
*If you already have a personal account and you would like to set up a second account on behalf of an organization, you can do this under a different e-mail address. The same applies if you want to apply on behalf of a number of organizations. Your account name is your e-mail address.
Although we will do our best to send you an e-mail with your registration details within 24 hours – except for weekends, holidays and closures – we are not always able to guarantee this if we are very busy just before a deadline. So please make sure you set up your account in plenty of time before your own deadline. You cannot log in and fill in the application form until after we have sent you your login code. Please make sure you keep your registration details in a safe place, as these will remain valid for all future applications you make to the Mondriaan Fund.
Do you want to change an organization’s account holder?
You can do this using the form below.