Curators Programme Art Rotterdam 2017

Gregor Jansen

Functie: Director Kunsthalle Düsseldorf Land: Germany Bezoekperiode: 09 februari - 22 januari Bezoekjaar: 2017 Onderdeel van Curators Programme Art Rotterdam 2017

Gregor Jansen. Photo: Katja Illner

Gregor Jansen is Director of the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf since January 2010. He studied art history, building history, and philosophy at the RWTH Aachen and completed his doctorate in 1998 on the subject Eugen Schönebeck. A German Legend.

He subsequently worked as curator and has organized numerous exhibitions, written accompanying catalogues, worked as art critic, and free-lance author, and lectured in Germany and the Netherlands since 1991. From 2005 to the end of 2009, Gregor Jansen headed the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art in Karlsruhe.