Who is eligible?
With this grant, anyone without intention to sell the work can commission visual artists to create new works of art accessible to the public in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. Art Commission grants are for parties in the public or private sector or for public-private partnerships such as individuals, organizations, institutions, companies and so on.
The Mondriaan Fund offers Art Commission grants to stimulate the commission of relevant publicly accessible artistic projects and commissions for artists. This is intended to result in closer involvement of (market) parties in the creation of visual arts and therefore in improved quality and visibility of contemporary Dutch visual arts for a relevant audience.
For what?
The contribution is intended for the production of publicly accessible artworks, through:
- A one-off commission for 1 or more artists.
- A longer collaboration, such as between a museum and an artist, which focuses on the intensive following and presentation of work or the production of new work for a period of no more than 4 years.
- Or, would you like to commission a publicly accessible artwork, but aren’t familiar with the intricacies of the commissioning process? Potential commissioners from outside of the professional art field can first apply for a development contribution. This will enable you to acquire expert help to make a plan, or cover the costs of a sketch phase.
How much?
The amount of the stipend is individually determined for each application. That amount can be awarded in the form of:
- A grant for a one-off commission, covering no more than 50% of the costs, such as production and presentation;
- A grant for an exceptionally longer collaboration with an artist, totalling no more than 50% of the costs for a period of up to 4 years;
- A grant for the development phase of a commission, totalling no more than 70% of the costs, up to a maximum of € 15,000.
When and how to apply?
Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, using our online application system. You will require an account before you can submit an application. If you do not already have an account, please apply for one on this website. Keep in mind that a 3-month period is required for processing the applications. No grants are awarded retrospectively.
The following is based on the deelregeling Kunst Opdracht (in Dutch), as published in the Staatscourant.
Terms and conditions
- Anyone can apply, except for individual artists, art education institutions, post-graduate institutions and predominantly sales-oriented commercial art institutions. Applications may be submitted by, for example, institutions for visual arts, cultural heritage or design, municipalities, social and/or community organizations, such as (sports or retailers’) associations, schools, hospitals, churches, residents’ associations and foundations. Businesses, companies and individuals may also apply.
- The applicant must be established in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
- The work to be commissioned must be accessible to the public and presented in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
- The work may not be for profit.
- A realistic fee for the artist is mandatory, and must be included in the budget, in addition to the production costs:
Please refer to the guidelines of the Central Government Real Estate Agency for help with determining a realistic fee for permanent works. In the case of temporary exhibitions or presentations without a sales objective, please refer to the Guideline for Artist’s Fees. - Organisations that present visual art and/or heritage as a core activity can apply for the Artist’s Fee grant to help cover the artist’s fee. This expense is not eligible for subsidy within the Art Commission grant. In light of the fact that other organisations and private individuals are not eligible for an Artist’s Fee grant, they are permitted to apply for a contribution to cover the artist’s fee within the Art Commission grant.
- The applying organisation is expected to comply with the Fair Pay code of conduct. This means that other people included in the budget who perform activities as part of the commission must also be paid in accordance with the applicable collective labour agreements or guidelines. This should be clarified in the application form and budget.
- The artist receiving the commission must have worked as a professional visual artist for at least 1 year:
- If the artist has completed a Bachelor’s degree programme (HBO) with a visual arts curriculum, the date on the diploma will be considered the start of their professional practice. If there is an interim period between graduation from the Bachelor’s programme with a visual arts curriculum and the start of a Master’s programme, this period will be considered as part of their professional practice.
- If the artist has not completed a Bachelor’s degree programme (HBO) with a visual arts curriculum, the date on which they first presented work in professional art circles will be considered the start of their professional practice.
- The commissioned artist must be artistically active in the visual arts and in that capacity be embedded in the professional visual arts practice in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
- If the project concerns a permanent work of art, it may not be moved or traded without permission of the Mondriaan Fund. In that case, realistic compensation must also be paid to the artist.
- All cultural institutions subscribe to the Fair Practice Code (Dutch only), the Culture Governance Code (Dutch only) and the Diversity & Inclusion Code (Dutch only). Compliance with the Fair Practice Code automatically means that the institution implements the guidelines on artists’ honoraria.
- The financial contribution from the client must be in acceptable proportion to the contribution requested from the Mondriaan Fund.
The Mondriaan Fund staff checks the submitted applications and attachments to ensure that they are complete. Once an application is complete, it is submitted to the committee that advises on awarding the Art Commission grant.
An Art Commission grant can only be awarded if the committee advises to that effect. In addition, the advisory committee can make recommendations concerning the amount of the financial stipend and the period for which this is valid.
Due to budgetary restrictions, we are unfortunately not always able to award grants to all applications that receive positive advisories from the committee. In this case, the Mondriaan Fund Board asks the advisory committee to prioritise the positive advisories. This means that an application may receive a positive advisory, but a grant is nevertheless not awarded.
In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund requires various information: details that you can enter in the application form and documents that you can upload. Below is a checklist outlining all of the required information, following the layout of the application form.
Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.
Relevant links
- General terms and conditions
- Information about submitting documents
- Example declaration of consent
- Guideline for Artists’ Fees
- Revised Artist Fee Guideline
- Explanatory notes on Art Commission
- Example application form Art Commission (individual - in Dutch)
- Example application form Art Commission (organisation - in Dutch)